Monday, January 12, 2009


I think I've finally decided to take the plunge and experiment on my smallest garden plot (about 25 by 25 feet) and prepare it to go biodynamic in 2010.

What is biodynamic you ask? Well, it's "beyond organic" in a sense, and it even kicks it up a few notches on the agricultural side of permaculture. Some aspects of it are a bit nutty in my opinion (it's really pretty much a homeopathic approach to soil), but biodynamically-produced products are friggin' amazing, and taste better than most organic products (and blow the doors off industrial organic). It brings out the terroir to its utmost.

For information on it all, peruse this Wikipedia article, this ATTRA publication, the Biodynamic Farming and Gardening Association website, the Pfeiffer Center's website, or the grandaddy of all biodynamic sources: Rudolph Steiner's Agriculture Course from 1924. (There are other reputable resources out there also, by the way). You can even get certified Biodynamic® by Demeter USA. Perhaps the most widely-known product that has taken the leap to being raised biodynamically is wine.

Anyway, since it basically takes a whole year to get the system started (I've already met the standards for organic), I won't be able to really "go" biodynamic until Spring 2010, but can prep my garden until I can do so.

I guess it's time to get some additional compost piles started...

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